Interview with Ler Lee Cheng

November 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Ler Lee Cheng - Garbage Enzyme

We interviewed Ler Lee Cheng for the tip on Make Garbage Enzyme, here’s the full interview:

Describe yourself and what you do.

Hi, my name is Ler Lee Cheng. I run, blogging about my discovery on natural living and selling green products such as soap nuts online.

Why did you start making garbage enzyme? Who taught you?

I started making garbage enzyme since year 2009. I still remember I was curious and excited at the same time when my aunty and cousin shared with me that it is possible to make my own household cleanser. I wanted to avoid using the chemically formulated detergents and powder and replace them with all natural cleanser. I want to live more naturally. Read more

Interview with Bhavani Prakash

November 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Bhavani Prakash - At Community Garden

We interviewed Bhavani Prakash for the tip on Start Food Composting, here’s the full interview:

Why did you start composting your food waste? Who taught you?

We do a lot of cooking at home, and we go through a lot of veggies and fruits in a day. I didn’t want all the veggie and fruit peel waste to go down the chute in a plastic bag and get to the incinerator. I had seen organic farmers compost their biomass waste in farms, but really wanted to find a way to do it in an apartment using a closed container.

I stumbled upon an article in a magazine called Lapis Lazuli, where a permaculture friend of mine, Melissa Ong had translated an article in Mandarin on home composting. I followed the concept, researched it a bit more, and made adjustments through trial and error and have been successfully composting since then. Read more

Interview with Agatha Lee

November 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Agatha Lee - Cooking Leftovers

We interviewed Agatha Lee for the tip on Cook Your Leftover Food, here’s the full interview:

Why do you keep leftovers? Is there influence from your family?

When we were young, my parents taught us never to waste any food, and that leftover food is still food. It is such a waste to throw away food that tastes yummy and had been prepared by someone with a lot of effort. Read more

Interview with Gosia Klimowicz

November 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Gosia Klimowicz - Food Portions

We interviewed Gosia Klimowicz for the tip on Cook And Order Just Enough, here’s the full interview:

Describe yourself and what you do.

I’m a PR consultant by profession, home cook by passion. I love hawker food in Singapore but I have decided to make most of my meals at home to be more sustainable, health-conscious, save money and cut waste. I bring my own lunch to the office and cook dinner after work. Cooking helps me to wind up after a stressful day and empowers me as an individual as I can make my own healthy decisions, control the amount of food I eat and track spending more efficiently. Read more

Interview with Way Ling Wiesser

November 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Way Ling Wiesser - Proper Food Storage

We interviewed Way Ling Wiesser for the tip on Store And Handle Food Properly, here’s the full interview:

Describe yourself and what you do.

I’m a British born Chinese; Domestic Goddess and Foodie Enthusiast; Mother of 2, + gorgeous 3 legged cat; and Ambassador for the Singapore Food Revolution, voluntary arm of the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation.

Why is it important to have proper food storage at home?

Food needs to be stored properly to maintain freshness at all times. Particularly in Singapore where the humidity is so high, opened food goes soggy within 5 minutes of being exposed to the air. Read more

Interview with Sonia Fevre

November 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Sonia Fevre - Shopping List

We interviewed Sonia Fevre for the tip on Plan What To Buy, here’s the full interview:

Describe yourself and what you do.

I consult for a non-profit organisation working in Southeast Asia. I meet a lot of farmers so I’m conscious of how different small scale farming is to the type of commercial production that provides food to urban areas like Singapore.

It also means I travel a lot and get to experience different approaches to life. Singapore is lucky to have so many types of products available for consumption, but I miss the massive wet markets with fresh, unpackaged foods found in some parts of Asia. Read more

New Campaign to Reduce Food Waste in Singapore

November 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Educating individuals and businesses on the impacts of food waste and helping them take action

Singapore, 5 Nov 2012 – Save Food Cut Waste is the first campaign in Singapore targeting the reduction of food waste. It is a ground-up movement educating individuals, businesses and organisations in Singapore about the environmental and social impacts of food waste, and encouraging everyone to take action in reducing food waste.

Impacts of Food Waste

According to the Global Food Losses and Food Waste report published in 2011 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 1.3 billion tonnes or one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain, from production to consumption. Read more

Recipes – Coming Soon

November 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Recipes

Recipes for leftovers will be available soon in Dec.

Meanwhile, check out other tips for individuals to reduce food waste.

Interview with Derrick Ng

November 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Blog

Derrick Ng - Grow Your Own Food

We interviewed Derrick Ng for the tip on Grow Your Own Food, here’s the full interview:

Describe yourself and what you do.

I’m 31 years old and married with a kid and currently residing at Tampines. I’m an entrepreneur and enjoy doing thing with nature. I’m easy going with an extrovert personality and like meeting people.

At present, I’m running a F&B and farm business. I’m an urban farmer with the management skills to run a farm and produce quality, pesticide-free leafy vegetables without compromising our environment. The resources are all about reduce, recycle and reuse to sustain my business. Read more