Majority Of Consumers Are Concerned About Food Waste From F&B Companies In Singapore [Media Release]
August 5, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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– 90% of consumers are concerned about the food waste generated by F&B companies
– 95% of consumers want F&B companies to do more to reduce food waste
– Consumers are willing to support F&B companies which adopt strategies to reduce food waste
Singapore, 5 Aug 2015 – Majority of consumers are concerned about food waste generated by food and beverage (F&B) companies and would encourage and support the companies to reduce food waste, according to a recent survey conducted to understand consumer attitudes toward food waste generated by the F&B sector in Singapore. The study was conducted from Feb to Apr this year by the students under the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Programme from the National University of Singapore, in partnership with the new non-profit organisation, Zero Waste SG.
According to the National Environment Agency, about 790,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in Singapore in 2014 and only 13% of this waste is recycled. Consumers can reduce food waste on an individual level, but can also play an important role in advocating for greater efforts and best practices in food waste reduction by the F&B sector. With this premise, the study aims to understand consumers’ attitude towards food waste and how they hope F&B companies (including retail shops selling food; bakeries; cafes; restaurants; food courts; canteens; hawker centres; markets; supermarkets; and caterers) can contribute to the reduction of food waste. Read more
NTUC FairPrice takes the lead to measure and reduce food waste
May 28, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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NTUC FairPrice is taking the first steps to measure and reduce food waste in its supermarkets. So far, FairPrice is the only supermarket retailer that has publicly commit to food waste reduction efforts, and this leadership is something that the other supermarket retailers need to follow.
After two years of consultative study under its Food Waste Framework, FairPrice today announced a Food Waste Index to track and sustain food waste reduction efforts, which is a first in the Singapore supermarket industry. The Food Waste Index measures the annual total food waste against the total retail space of all FairPrice stores, and will enable FairPrice to track its progress on various food waste reduction initiatives. Read more
Tender For On-Site Food Waste Management Pilot At Hawker Centres Called [Press Release]
May 22, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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18 May 2015 – The National Environment Agency (NEA) today called a tender for a two-year on-site food waste management pilot to be run at Tiong Bahru Market and Ang Mo Kio Block 628 Market. The pilot aims to test the economic viability and operational feasibility of food waste segregation and recycling in hawker centres, as part of government’s effort to move towards being a zero-waste nation.
2 The winning bidder(s) will be required to provide the leasing and maintenance of two on-site food waste recycling machines, which will convert segregated food waste and leftover food from the hawker stalls to either water or compost. The machines are expected to reduce the volume of food waste by at least 90 per cent per day. Read more
Two hawker centres to get new food waste recycling machines [News]
May 19, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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By Siau Ming En, TODAY, 19 May 2015
Food waste recycling machines will be placed at two of Singapore’s larger hawker centres in a two-year pilot, as part of the authorities’ overall efforts to curb the growing volume of food waste in Singapore.
These machines are expected to reduce the volume of food waste at the hawker centre by at least 90 per cent each day.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) called for a tender yesterday for vendors to supply the machines at Tiong Bahru Market and Ang Mo Kio Block 628 Market.
Click here to read the full article
Source: TODAY
Composting slowly taking root in Singapore [News]
March 12, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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By Monica Kotwani, Channel NewsAsia, 11 Mar 2015
Waste not, want not – the saying goes. Some Singaporeans are going green by turning food waste into compost – through traditional and sometimes innovative means.
From potato skins to leftover vegetables and fruit, the Gonzalez family collects its food waste and chucks it into a drum containing organic material such as dried leaves and shredded paper. They are mixed in.
Three months later, the waste becomes compost the family uses for its garden and plants.
Environmental engineer Patricio Gonzalez says composting has saved him money as he does not have to buy top soil and fertiliser.
Click here to read the full article
Source: Channel NewsAsia
2 pilots on recycling food waste [News]
March 12, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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By Siau Ming En, TODAY, 11 Mar 2015
Two pilots on food waste recycling will be conducted to improve the management and recycling of such waste, said Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Grace Fu today (March 11).
The first pilot involving two hawker centres will try out different on-site recycling models. Each hawker centre will have an on-site recycling machine to convert segregated food waste and leftover food to water or compost, said the National Environment Agency (NEA). Stallholders and table-cleaners will be taught the proper methods of segregating food waste, it added.
Click here to read the full article
Source: TODAY
3 things you can do today on food waste
February 12, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
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Singapore generated almost 800 million kg of food waste in 2013, and only 13% of it was recycled. We can all play a part in understanding the issues and reducing food waste. Here’s 3 things you can do today:
1) Watch this video by Channel NewsAsia Connect to understand the food waste problem in Singapore.
2) Check out the Save Food Cut Waste tips to find out how individuals and households can play a part in reducing food waste in our daily lives and at home.
3) We are working with NUS students from the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Programme to conduct a survey to understand consumer’s attitudes towards food waste in the food and beverage (F&B) sector in Singapore. We hope to show the survey results to the F&B companies in order to nudge them to reduce food waste.
Pls help to participate in this short survey at Thanks much!
NTUC FairPrice introduces measures to tackle food waste [News]
October 15, 2014 by Save Food Cut Waste
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By Channel NewsAsia, 15 Oct 2014
NTUC FairPrice on Wednesday (Oct 15) announced that it will address food waste through a structured framework, in commemoration of World Food Day on Thursday.
In a media release, NTUC FairPrice said plans to reduce food waste include enhancing and implementing internal processes that are “preventive in nature” and engaging its customers on greater awareness of food waste. It also hopes to reshape mindsets towards “imperfect-looking but perfectly safe” fruits and vegetables.
The supermarket chain added that it will also work with suppliers and charities to reduce food waste, and the framework will kick in early next year.
Click here to read the full article
Source: Channel NewsAsia
Insights on Food Waste in Singapore
July 29, 2014 by Save Food Cut Waste
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We have been running the Save Food Cut Waste campaign since Nov 2012. There is now more awareness about food waste in Singapore and we have been getting several enquiries from the public who are concerned about food waste.
To address some of the concerns on food waste, let’s take a closer look at food waste generated, the causes, ways to reduce food waste, key barriers, and our proposed action plan to tackle food waste.
Food Waste in Singapore
Over the last 10 years, the amount of food waste generated in Singapore has increased by 45%. In 2013, the amount of food waste generated reached an all-time high of 796,000 tonnes and only 13% of it was recycled. Read more
Amount of food waste in Singapore hits record high [News]
July 2, 2013 by Save Food Cut Waste
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By Walter Sim, The Straits Times, 1 Jul 2013.
From the factory right down to the dining table, more food is being dumped in Singapore.
A new record was set for food wastage last year as 703,200 tonnes were generated – a 26 per cent spike from the 558,900 tonnes produced in 2007.
This far outpaced the 15.8 per cent growth in the local population over the same period.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) said that besides population growth, a rise in tourist arrivals and increasing affluence had contributed to the problem.
Mr Jose Raymond, executive director of the Singapore Environment Council, said the “ease of accessibility to food and increased food variety” could also have worsened the wastage.
The problem has permeated every link of the supply chain. In a statement to The Straits Times, the NEA noted that food wastage “is being produced in homes, as well as food manufacturing and catering industries, foodcourts, restaurants, supermarkets and hawker centres”.
But the amount of food being recycled each year remains low.
Click here to read the full article.
Source: The Straits Times